In 1938 Franco commissioned an experiment with prisoners in a monastery of Burgos. Thus began the search for the “communist” gene

In the list of darker experiments that once launched in Spain there is one that continues to remain in the top positions. It happened at the end of the 1930s inside an architecture that today is historical heritage, A abbey trapped on the outskirts of Burgos. The basis for carrying out the study started from … Read more

I have detected the exact moment in which things in Marvel began to fail and that has culminated in ‘Captain America’

Until the weekend, when the public’s opinion begins to fly over the Internet (which in the end is the one who pays and the one that interests Disney, since the consensus of criticism and public they generated ‘Infinity War‘ and ‘Endey me‘It is unlikely to be repeated again), we will not know if’Captain America: Brave … Read more

In 1995, a Peugeot 205 GTI crashed in Sweden. Then began a world revolution in road safety

It is estimated that 9,344 people died in traffic accidents in Spain in 1989. It was a real barbarity and a historical peak that, luckily, it seems that is far from repeating. These last ten years, Spain has moved among the 1,145 deceased in 2023 and 1,873 of 2014. They are still too many and … Read more

A year ago Barcelona began to fine those who walked loose dogs. It has more than 340 fines

Throughout 2024 the agents of the Urban Guard of Barcelona imposed 341 fines For an infraction that has little to do with circular In an incorrect way or dirty the streets. No. The reason that (on average) made them get the ball almost daily was to meet neighbors who walked to their dogs without strap … Read more

In 536 the sun began to shine less than the moon. The small ice age began then began

The year 536 is sometimes called “The worst in historyā€¯, But this year only marked the beginning of a small ice age. An era of about 15 years in which sunlight was almost unable to reach the surface of the earth. Small ice age. For years it has been discussed what happened in the year … Read more