The impact probability of asteroid 2024 YR4 has risen to 1.6%. The UN has already activated a special protocol

In just a few days of observations, the probability that The 2024 YR4 asteroid Impact with the Earth has risen from 1.2 to 1.6%. Once otherwise, there is a 98.4% chance that the newly discovered object passes by long. But the risk of not doing so is high enough for the UN to activate, for … Read more

Taiwan does not want more problems with China or with its submarine cables. So you have activated an unpublished security plan

Earlier this year and after what happened with an underwater cable that affected the only remaining link with the Matsu Islandsincident that occurred just a week after Another cable that connected the island was damagedTaiwan made an unprecedented decision. A call Washington ended with A two -year agreement so that the United States Army would … Read more