I believed that the LSD would have improved Microsoft designs

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs They were great rivals In the field of new technologies, but they also maintained a friendly relationship. Gates confessed in An interview with the British The Independent That Steve Jobs said that Gates should have taken LSD to improve the design of Microsoft products.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates’ personal and professional relationship It was never simple and fluctuated influenced by the enormous competitiveness of both founders and their vision of how technology should be.

However, the Technological and Financial Context Of both companies forced both millionaires to maintain the equivalent of a “Roman Pax” in their personal relationships. After all, as Jobs explained in A joint interview In Conference D5 of 2007, They were travel companions In his technological adventure.

Jobs’s trick to imagine impossible designs

Among the many anecdotes that Microsoft’s founder reveals in his latest autobiographical book ‘Code Source: My beginnings‘, Gates remembers his specific flirting with the Cannabis and the consumption of LSD.

“Because my personality is quite optimistic and I am willing to take risks, I tried many things. But something else about my personality is that I like my mind to work and it is very logical. So I stopped consuming marijuana at the beginning of my 20 years simply because it became careless, either during that same day or the next day, “Gates explained The Independent.

Ignoring the consumption of marijuana from Gates during his youth, Steve Jobs assured that give free rein to creativity Gates with LSD would have helped improve the design of Microsoft products. “Steve Jobs once said that he would have liked me to take acid because then perhaps he would have had more pleasure in the design of my products,” Gates recalled.

Gates’s response was to accept that Jobs had an innate talent For design, but He had other skills to which he had given free rein. “My answer to that was to say: ‘Look, I had the wrong lot.’ It touched the coding lot and this guy touched the marketing design lot, so well for him!”, Gates told Gates to British newspaper.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates: Hallucinogenic technology

Steve Jobs confessed to more than one occasion that LSD had consumed in his youth, and attributed part of his creative vision in the design of Apple’s products to these experiences. Under his supervision, Apple managed to resurface his ashes with such iconic designs Like the IMACiPod, iPad and iPhone.

On the other hand, Gates was known for his most conservative and analytical approach, which possibly led Jobs to comment on the need for Expand Gates’ perspective regarding design.

However, as Gates stood out, Your approach The aesthetics of its products was not, but in its software. Hence Microsoft has become one of the main companies In computing in The cloud and iaand the productivity software with applications like Word has dominated for decades or Excel.

“His talents and mine, apart from being a kind of energetic leader and going beyond the limits, did not overlap much. He did not know what a line of code meant, and his ability to think about design and marketing and marketing Things like this … I envy those skills.

Gates has always been very interested in the uses of psychotropic substances and the effects on the brain, declaring an absolute fan of the book on psychedelic drugs ”How to change your mind ‘ by Michael Pollan and the possible Therapeutic uses of these substances. “The idea that some of these drugs that affect the mind can help with depression or the TOC seem fascinating. Of course, we have to be careful, and that is very different from recreational use,” said the millionaire.

In his biography, the technological tycoon remembers one of those Experiences with hallucinogenic substances of which I did not keep the best of memories: “Part of the trip was stimulating, but I took the drug without realizing that I would continue to feel its effects the next morning, when I arrived at the orthodontist office for dental surgery that I had programmed from A long time ago, “Gates wrote.

The millionaire remembered that: “I stared at my mouth open my doctor’s face, while his drill continued working, without being sure if what he was seeing and feeling really was happening.” Gates says he swore that, if he ever took acid again, he would not do it alone, above all, that he would not when he had plans for the next day, especially a visit to the dentist.

In Xataka | Bill Gates is clear about what would be 20 years old and start again: a 100% startup dedicated to AI

Image | Flickr (Joi Ito)

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