The electric car has sold more than ever this February without Moves plan. It is an illusion that will end soon

We already have enrollments last February. In Spain, 90,327 cars were recorded, 11% of cars more than in the same period of 2024. Growth is striking but it is not as much as electric cars enrollments, which grow 60.4% and continue to chain good sales figures compared to what we had so far.

According to data from the National Association of Vehicle Sellers and Repairing (Ganvam) and the Business Association for the Development and Impulse of Electric Mobility (Aedive)in last February they enrolled 6,260 electric cars. It is one 60.4% rise Regarding the same period of the year 2025. and in the accumulated of January and February, Spain adds 11,419 vehicles enrolled, which represents an increase of 54.9%.

But, wasn’t it a market stopped without the aid to the electric car? Were not essential state subsidies to sell these vehicles? How can it be that we have not been helpful for weeks and at the same time more electric cars are sold than ever? Well, because the electric cars that are reflected in these data are not being sold.

Or, at least, this is not exactly like that.

Some data that arrive late

To understand well what is happening, the difference between car sales and registration must be clear. It may seem the same but it is not exactly like that.

The sale of cars is the transaction that makes a brand or concessionaire with an individual or a company. That sale You can go hand in hand with a registration That same month but you can also count the sale in January and not arrive registration until March.

If the bought car is responsible for a factory or, simply, it has already been manufactured but is on its way to the concessionaire, it is very likely that the customer has to wait a few weeks or months for the car to be delivered. At that time the registration is recorded and it is when it is counted in the listings that are usually used to be clear about the “bought” vehicles in Spain even if it is not exactly like that.

Another good example is what happens at the end of the year. Car sales and enrollments usually have similar numbers but it is possible that registration exceed sales. This is because in the months of November and December, companies often tighten the accelerator with automation.

They serve to slightly make up the numbers or comply with the quotas assigned for each country within the company’s commercial strategy at the continental level (European Union) or world. You just have to see how Tesla substantially increases records of deliveries in the last month of each quarter and the end of the year.

Those automatrications They have not been sold and then you have to give them exit. The manufacturer appears better in the photo and allows him to have an available stock of vehicles that can be delivered at any time to the customer who wishes. Of course, the car will drop in price and the profit margin achieved by the manufacturer will be lower. In addition, there is a risk of creating a stock too large, devaluing the product. This is what It happened to Stellantis in the United StatesFor example.

Therefore, if the car is not delivered in the same month of the purchase, we have a delay in the data that we are collecting.

The hangover in the electric car

This is the same that is happening with the electric car. Last January 23, Electric car aid fell. Since then, those who have approached the dealers to be interested in the purchase of a new vehicle will have found a higher price to the one who could expect.

Since the fall was formalized, the government has launched messages that will reactivate aidrumored that They will be delivered at the time of purchase And, shortly after, rumoring that the procedure will be the same as until now although it will be reduce waiting times To collect help. In summary, A lot of noise But no concrete measure approved.

The lack of these aid has triggered the fear that electric car sales would stop dry but enrollment figures, as we see, do not reflect it. So what can be happening?

There are several possibilities. In the first place, electric cars are arriving at the market that were commissioned a few months ago, when the MOVES III PLAN that he delivered to 7,000 euros of help to the purchase and a maximum of 3,000 euros with its relief in the income statement.

What we have in hand are enrollments, therefore, from electric cars that were bought under the umbrella of the Moves III Plan. Another discharge possibility is that the manufacturer returned the purchase signal to whom he had commissioned an electric car and those cars have preferred to automatically. Until now, the aids were also contemplated for semi -new vehicles, so the manufacturer may have automatulated the conscious car that it will lose some money but that the future buyer can continue opting for the subsidy if a future Moves plan is renewed in the same terms.

Finally, it remains to wait (if a new line of aid is not approved) to know the real impact of the situation. Experience in other European countries He tells us that, without aid, the electric car stops dry. The impact on the potential sales that could have been made from January 23, in which the fall of subsidies was confirmed, we will not know it if time goes by and we continue without a plan.

From Ganvam have this same reading and the information that manufacturers have transferred to us when we have had contact with them is the same. They assure us that, taking temperature with the thermometer they have with His own dealersinterest in electrical models has stopped dry since it is known that there are no aid for them. Therefore, orders have slowed down and if a line of aid is not reactivated we can expect a strong hangover in the market.

Especially if we take into account that it is the Canal of individuals that is pulling the car. In February, electric cars enrollments in this channel exceeded, as we say, the 6,000 units of 7,461 purely electric vehicles recorded last year.

Photo | Renault

In Xataka | The electric car was giving hopeful signs in Spain. The end of Moves III has cut them dry

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