Why keep doing sports in adulthood can save us a scare with hypertension

As we become older, having an eye on our blood pressure is becoming more and more important. We know that regular exercise is important in order to reduce the risks associated with high blood pressure; But how, when and how much of the sport is still a mystery.

One that we are solving little by little.

Save strength. An example of this is a study led by researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, focused on how the different levels of exercise that we reach throughout our life lead to greater or lesser blood pressure in later stages. The conclusion of the study was that maintaining high levels of activity as we approach the middle age is An important key facing a healthier future.

“Teenagers and early twenties can be physically active, but those patterns change with age. Our study suggests that maintaining physical activity during our adulthood-coun (at higher levels of what was recommended) could be especially important, ” explained in a press release Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, co-author of the study.

The risks of hypertension. High blood pressure, or hypertensionit implies that the blood exerts high pressure on the ducts that transport it. Symptoms may include headaches, lack of air, or nasal bleeding, inter alia. The problem arises in the long term, however, since hypertension is linked to a series of cardiovascular risks, some of them potentially lethal, such as heart attacks.

5,115 participants. The study was conducted with 5,115 agent participants between 18 and 30 years old to whom a follow -up was carried out for three decades. The participants were chosen in the context of the cardia study (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults) in urban nuclei from different areas of the United States.

In its study, the team defined hypertension based on the limits established in 2017 by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Associationthat is, a pressure of 130 over 80 mmHg.

The details of the study were published In an article In the magazine American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Activity mirror. As explained by the team responsible for the study, the increase in hypertension levels was a reflection of change in physical activity levels. The results supported what was observed in previous studies, that is, that exercise makes our blood pressure remain low.

Check the recommendations. As the team explains, its results indicate that increasing exercise levels up to five hours per week could give positive results when reducing the risk that hypertension makes an appearance in the middle age. This is double that the two and a half hours recommended today in the guides considered by the team itself.

In your study, They observed that 17.9% of the sample reached five hours of moderate exercise a week during its stage as young adults. These activity levels were related to a reduction in the subsequent risk of 18%hypertension. The reduction, they point out, was even greater in the case of those participants who maintained these activity levels up to 60 years.

Different contexts, various results. The study was conducted in a sample of participants that covered different ethnic backgrounds. They observed differences between the Afro -descendant group and the white group, both between men and among women. Differences not only in the levels of hypertension, but also in how the levels of physical activity evolved as age progressed in the different groups studied.

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Image | Kampus Production

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