Let’s explain WHAT IS THE TMO OF THE FALSE SMS OF A PACO WITH EL Corte Inglésa new scam that has begun to reach many users. The goal is to alarm by informing you of a false payment and lead you to a false website where you can get your access data.
In this article we will explain how this scam works, and also where it seems to come. Besides, we will teach you Identify this type of deceptionwhich is very important to know that they are trying to scam and be able to avoid it.
What is this type of scam

A few days ago we found that the database of The English Court had been hacked. In this event Banking data were not compromised No user passwords, but other data such as telephone numbers seem to have leaked.
Taking advantage of this confusion and the one we can not be very sure of whether our card has been filtered or not, a group of cybercriminals is sending some SMS in which They tell you that a purchase has been made with your account. In this same message you add a web address in which they say you can claim if the purchase has been a mistake.
The SMS includes as title “Financiera Corte Inglés”, with which they try to confuse you to pass through this entity. In addition, they have altered the name of the sender so that some acronyms that may correspond appear. This is the first step to confuse users.
In addition to this they use other tricks, such as including an amount of money large enough to alarm And try to make panic and hurry to lower our guard. They also add a web address whose URL contains the name of this entity, although the domain is a totally different one.
The address points to a website that in some cases will already be blocked by your browser, but that can be A clonic page where your user data is requested or your bank data. The idea is that you write them and send them voluntarily.
Although for those who already have knowledge of this type of scams, the deception is more evident, the cybercriminals have to send these messages massively, and that among the thousands of users to whom they are sent by there are some who pique and who can steal the account or their bank data.
How to detect this scam
The first clue that the SMS is false can be in The composition of the text itself. It is usually written in an incorrect or unprofessional way, even with some point where there should be a comma. This should be something that already caught your attention.
But the most important thing is look at the web address included In the SMS. In the body of the direction you can put some name that refers to El Corte Inglés, but notice that at the end of the link there is a URL that does not correspond.
By this I mean that if an address has a point in the middle, the main website to which it is what appears after the name. For example, if you have elcorteingles.paginafalsa.com, even if you put ELCORTEINGLESthis is a subdomain, as a secondary page, and the main one is what appears after the point, in the case of our example .paginafalsa.com.
The real messages of the Financiera El Corte Inglés also begin by putting FinancialCorteinglesand this is something that cybercriminals have imitated. Normally the company will not include any web address In your real messages, and it is something that you must take into account.
The best thing in these cases is that, given the doubt, you enter the web manually of financialelcorteingles.es either elcorteingles.es To look in your account if there is any payment. The website always writes manually, and Never enter from the link of an SMSbecause it is what cybercriminals want.
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