Europe already has its master lines to consolidate the electric car. And along the way it will copy China’s tactics

The European Commission has submitted its proposal to boost the electric car in Europe. A proposal that arrives with various open fronts, that opens its hand with the manufacturers in the field of short -term broadcasts and that points to greater protectionism against China.

These are the master lines of a plan that should gradually approve in various lines of action.

What do we have? The proposal of the European Commission, led by Ursula von der Leyen, to promote the use and electric car production in the medium term. The intention of Europe remains to electrify much of the fleet of vehicles that circulate on our roads for which it is expected to allocate 1.8 billion euros.

The proposal will have to be approved in various packages by the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. It remains, therefore, to receive the approval of the countries to carry out measures that take into account from the regulations for the production of batteries.

Emissions. It is undoubtedly the most controversial aspect. Advanced by the president herself From the European Commission last Monday, manufacturers will have up to 2027 to comply with the limits of emissions that should be applied this year under the threat of fines that could be one thousand millionaire.

The idea was to sanction all manufacturers that They will exceed 93.6 gr/km of CO2 Maximum fleet sold with 95 euros per gram overcome and car sold. That put manufacturers such as the Volkswagen Group against fines that could approach 7,000 million euros.

If approved (von der Leyen aspires to be a rapid procedure) manufacturers will have to comply with that limit of 93.6 gr/km of CO2 in 2027 but it will be an average emissions of the last three years. That is, they will be able to overcome this year and compensate in the coming years to enter within the maximum limits set.

China. Before China’s competition, Europe seeks to arm. He wants to do it with a comprehensive strategy that facilitates the production of batteries for electric cars on European soil and putting obstacles, as we will see, to use bridge to countries with special commercial treaties with the European Union.

What Europe wants to do is simply Copy the tactic that China has been applying more than 20 years. The European Commission speaks of “ensuring that investments from countries external to the European Union benefit local companies and help improve long -term competitiveness.”

To achieve this, they hold in The countrythe European Commission is willing to support that foreign manufacturers ally with local companies and, in this way, facilitate the transfer of knowledge. When China positioned itself as a cheap and attractive soil for vehicle manufacturers, it used this tactic: who would like to manufacture in China would have all the facilities but should Alder yes or yes with a local manufacturer. The only one that has avoided it has been Tesla But it has arrived much later and in another context than its rivals.

The Morocco Bridge. In recent months, Morocco and Türkiye They were positioning themselves as a very attractive market for Chinese companies. Their specific commercial treaties with the European Union allowed them to skip tariffs on electric cars while obtaining a cheap labor.

The European Commission wants to end that and force companies to manufacture on continental soil. However, we will have to see what repercussions this has if it goes ahead. There are European companies, such as Stellantis either Renaultthat already contribute the advantages that Morocco offers them to manufacture their cheapest cars and lower profit margin.

Europe’s notice in this regard is clear and, if necessary, they will use “the use of commercial defense instruments, such as anti -subvent measures, to protect European unfair competition companies”:

Purchase aid. It was one of the great questions and we have barely obtained an answer. The possibility of standardizing the aid to the purchase and that Europe directly apply the discount on the purchase of the car and deliver the money corresponding to the dealerships is rumored for a long time.

In Spain We continue without MOVES Plan But so far criticisms have always pointed to long waiting to collect the subsidy. The money delivered was European but currently has to go through the Spanish State that distributes it between the autonomous communities and they manage aid. This way of working can cause more aid to be approved than money available, extending the waiting time to collect.

In other countries, Like Portugal or Germanythe discount was directly reflected at the time of purchase. That aid is then processed by the manufacturer who presents the documentation to the State and receives the corresponding money. The processes are expedited, there is greater transparency and greater security is created in the face of the client receiving the money as soon as possible.

However, the European Commission has only assured that “it will actively work with member states to optimize these incentive systems for consumers”, without giving more details.

Photo | European Commission

In Xataka | Europe had a plan to jump into the electric car and 2025 was its first fire test. The manufacturers have ended it

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