There are no professionals to do them

He housing price It has been one of the main concerns of the Spaniards. The increase in rent price The real estate market is tensioning even more. For many, the solution to that problem goes through Build more homes.

The big problem facing Spain in this sense would no longer be available for spaces for those homes, but who will build them, due to the great scarcity of qualified labor In the construction sector.

Bricklayer, welder or plumber on the roads of extinction. According to him last report of EURES (European Employment Service) on scarcity and surpluses of labor is warned that almost half of the occupations classified in the category of professions with labor shortages belong to the construction sector.

These are specific works for which a training of several years is required for its development, which has been aggravated even more with the aging of the templates and with return from the migrant population, to their countries of origin. A good part of this population had occupied these positions for decades and now do not have a generational replacement that covers demand.

An unattractive sector. A report of the European Federation of the Construction Industry (FIEC) points out that one of the decisive factors for this situation of labor scarcity is that the sector has failed to present itself as an attractive option for young people.

The sectorial employer has recognized that its activity has been shown as tedious, with great physical and potentially dangerous demands. According to the report, this bad projection is also behind the low female presence in the sector, which has a presence of only 15%.

Decades of precariousness. The report data suggest that young people have stopped seeing the construction sector as an option to develop their professional career because it is considered a very unstable sector in terms of temporality of contracts for work and service. In 2008, 25.2% of the sector employees were under 30 years old. In 2022, that percentage fell to 9.2% of the total workforce of the sector.

The sector highlights that much of the activity in this sector is carried out through subcontracts or self -employed workers. The statistical data Facilitated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy corroborate this statement placing the construction sector as the second that concentrates the most self -employed workers (12.1%), only behind the services sector (73.9%).

Change of trend. EURES points out that FP reinforcement As a formative model with wide professional exits and the ecological transition are marking a change in trend in which younger and more young people look at the construction sector. The need to build wind farms and stations for solar energy is giving a more technical character to this sector by promoting new professions that have a good reception among the FP students.

Projects financed from the EU as “Woman Can Build“They are redefining the roles in the construction sector, eliminating the traditional idea of ​​not being a” for women “sector, thus increasing their labor base.

A relay that does not arrive on time. Despite this change in trend among young people, from the National Construction Confederation (CNC) They point To today, some 700,000 qualified professionals are needed.

Although the sector applauds the FP formation reinforcementthey assure that this is a medium -term solution that will still take some years to show Its effect on the labor marketso they are committed to recovering the figure of the apprentice between 16 and 18 years, so that these students can carry out practices at work and accelerate their training.

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Image | Unspash (Josh Olde)

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