The lyrics of his students were no longer understood

If someone sensed that the digitalization of in teaching was going to be an easy way surely at this point has changed their minds. The introduction of digital in schools seems to be oriented by the old test and error method and the last example has been found in a Catalan school.

A new step back. A Catalan school, the Escola Pia de Caldes de Montbui, in Barcelona, ​​has been the last educational center to announce that it turned back in its way to digitalization in the classrooms, according to The newspaper advanced The country. Perhaps the most striking in this case is the reason adduced by the center: the students “reached ESO and the lyrics were not understood.”

The strategic twist of the center was also due to other factors in addition to the aforementioned worsening in students’ calligraphy. According to the saying to the environment, they had detected problems such as difficulties when devising titles, saving margins or the mere fact of facing a blank sheet. In addition, students also showed signs of early tired when they should write for some time.

As reported, the transition plan implied the delay in the incorporation of computers, first until fifth of primary and later to Secondary. Matteries and activities with computers in favor of paper and pen would also be reduced.

Trial and error. The case is another example of something that has become usual, that of the back in the introduction of digital in the classrooms. A reverse sometimes starring educational centers and others, For the same public administrations.

Bringing new technologies to students is not a simple task as many have discovered. Getting digital tools to complement and not replace other capacities is difficult. Also necessary.

There is no standardized way to introduce these resources, which implies that many times the teaching teams end up giving blind sticks and experiencing until they find with the ideal formula with the old test and error method.

Learning lessons. However, there are those who already take notes of this. UNICEF, the United Nations Agency dedicated to childhood protection created A decalogue with considerations to take into account when implementing new technologies in schools.

Duties accumulate. While the debate on how to introduce digital resources into the classrooms occurs, technology advances and creates new challenges that add to those we have not yet faced. Artificial intelligence is a clear and recent example of this.

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Image | Adam Sondel

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