Madrid and jams They are practically synonyms. Applications like Google Maps either Waze They show us real -time information about traffic, although they have obvious limitations when showing real -time deviations or traffic cameras.
The Madrid City Council has launched a web application which allows to consult in real time information about traffic, without the need for installation. It is accessible from the computer, PC, tablet or any device with an installed browser.

The application interface is enough (and little modernized, everything is said). Currently, in its previous phase, it is completely focused on the A5. This will allow users of the southern zone to know in real time the situation of this busy area.
The visualizer allows to show cartographic information both in 2D and 3D, with the main addition of traffic cameras, something that is not possible to consult in third party applications discharged from apps.

Real -time information about the city cameras installed by the DGT.
The application is launched to reinforce the information to the citizen after the incidents caused by the works of the Soterramiento of the A5, as well as the construction of the future Paseo Verde del Southwest.
“This application also has a series of functionalities to give all the necessary information to the user, including information on real -time traffic and access to DGT traffic cameras in the area affected by the works, the Main recommended alternative itineraries graphically.
Being a website, it can be consulted quickly from the mobile by direct access. The interface is specially designed to function in this type of devices, and although it is not especially fast, it is a practical tool.
Image | Moockups Studio and Xataka