Let’s tell you what are the News of Android Auto 13.6now that Google has released the final version of its operating system. Remember that this is a system that is integrated into your Android mobile, and that when you connect to the car you can use it on your screen.
This new version has arrived by surprise without having launched a beta first, and brings An interesting change for Google Maps. This is also a new thing considering that this operating system does not usually include great novelties among its new versions.
News of Android Auto 13.6
The main novelty of this new version of Android Auto is on Google Maps, whose interface It adjusts to a lesser extent to the available space On the console screen. This makes the data it shows more visible, and that everything is read better.
However, it also brings as the main problem that The interface hides a large part of the information maps cartographic. Come on, that everything appears a little bigger, but on console screens that are small the elements and menus of the interface can end up covering almost everything.

Another news in the Google Maps interface is that The tracking arrow is adjusted to the screen center. This will make the car’s position more visible, although the visibility of what is in front of the road is reduced. Come on, this change is not good.
It is rare that these novelties have reached the final version directly, and It seems that they are very little polished Being able to be quite annoying, although they will improve in the upcoming versions. Beyond this, stability, fluidity and car compatibility with other cars are also improved.
Beyond that there are no more news, because The news of Android Auto van inside. Being an operating system for the car, Any error in the app can be fataland that’s why Android Auto updates They implement new things very little by little, because each failure can cost lives.
Update Android Auto 13.6

We are talking about the stable version of A Android 13.6, which makes Anyone can update in a simple way You can do it directly Through Google Playlooking for updates of the apps installed on your mobile, among which the Android Auto will appear.
You can also download the update manually going down his apk From Apkmirror. The only decision you must make is to choose the architecture of your mobile and if it is ARM or ARM64, and lower the latest available version. If your mobile is current, it is almost certain that it is the ARM64. Once downloaded, you just have to Install the APK file on Android.
In Xataka Basics | Delete cache on Android Auto: how is it done and what exactly this trick is for solving problems