toothpaste and snow

If a few weeks ago Sun Liang I would not have put a dentifric tube in the backpack before embarking on a trip between the Ao and Tai mountains may be dead today. Or at least he would remember his adventure for the icy riscos of northwest China as a more traumatic experience. After all, if Liang managed to survive in the middle of the mountain after getting lost, wandering between beasts and treacherous paths, it was because he endured how little he had at hand: the water he took from the river and snow and his toothpaste.

Dental hygiene where appropriate served him for anything more than having healthy gums and a strong and shiny teeth.

Mountain excursion. Sun Liang’s story have told her Jimu News and South China Morning Postbut it is so extraordinary, so rocambolesca, that it is not difficult to understand what is giving the return to the world And they have made echo of her media such as the Russian agency Tass. Logical. Not every day the story of a young adventurer who is lost track in a mountain in China is read and reappears after ten days, stating that he has basically survived swallowing toothpaste, snow and the water he took out of a river.

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But … who is Sun Liang? A young Chinese mountaineer. And the young man is more than justified: he is only 18 years old. Despite his age and that he ensures that he developed his passion for hiking throughout the last year, in early February Liang decided to assume a draft challenge: he will travel alone 80 kilometers from the AO-TAI line, a route of around 170 km that connects the AO mountains and Taibaiin Shaanxi, northwest of the country. For two weeks he planned the expedition and invested Thousands of yuan In equipment.

His adventure started on February 8. Alone, with no one to serve as a guide or support, the young man entered the mountain range Qinlinglocated in the province of Shaanxi, with an average altitude of around 2,500 meters.

The trip soon twisted. Some versions They say that after two days he ran out of batteries (which among other things prevented him from communicating with his family), fell several times and fractured an arm. Othersthat on the fifth day of walking it rushed from a high height and in the fall lost the team with which it was oriented and its food. The accident left him unconscious one night and a doll broke.

In desperate situations … Desperate measures, which is exactly what Liang sought. Only and incommunicado, the young man decided to walk down the river following a stream, took refuge after a large rock and an impromptu bed with what he had at hand was manufactured: dry grass and leaf litter. Another problem was how to feed in the middle of icy mountains, a challenge that Liang also threw a good dose of ingenuity. Especially since he did not want to risk eating moss or wild fungi that could poison him.

Jimu News He recounts How to run out of food the young man survived with water from the river, melted snow and toothpaste. The first, the snow and the stream, allowed him to hydrate. The second, toothpaste, served as a sugar source, duck Straits Times. In any case it was not a pleasant experience. The dentifrum is not intended to serve as an appetizer and swallowed it nausea.

A scare with a happy ending. The adventure ended well for Liang. More than a week after starting his adventure, while preparing a fire, he seemed to smell smoke and started screaming for help. Smell earned him as much as his obsession with dental hygiene. His voices alerted the rescue team that had come out in his search for the mountains. It was already February 17. And for the tranquility of Liang and his family the young man was finally able to return home.

That the story will not end the worst forms does not mean that it had no consequences. The South China Morning Post remember That more than 30 people participated in the rescue operation and carried a cost of 80,000 yuan, around $ 11,000, for the young man’s family. That without having the implications that Liang’s recklessness could have. The Hongkonese newspaper recalls that since 2018 local authorities prohibit travelers from entering that area under the threat of sanctions.

Why’s that? The area in which Liang decided to enter is especially dangerous. In fact, the AO-TAI line is one of the routes more demanding of the country for its changing climate, something that confirms a fact collected by the local press: over the last two decades more than 50 hikers have disappeared or deceased on the path by which Liang ended up wandering. “I felt terrified after the accident,” The young man confessed After the rescue, already safe at home.

And in case someone wants to follow their steps, warns: “This area is not suitable for hiking. The wind was so strong that I could bare Remember Liang. “Moveing ​​the route is extremely difficult. In addition there are no good views and time changes abruptly.”

Images | @Sofiadonnecke (Flickr) and The Humble Co. (UNSPLASH)

In Xataka | In China there is a new upward and well -listed profession: the “Pei Pa”, colleagues to climb mountains

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