9 steps to guarantee higher quality and better sources

Let’s tell you 9 ways in which you can improve the answers of Chatgptmaking artificial intelligence use better sources to improve information. Because the quality of the answers depends largely on how you formulate Promptso some variations or added to your question can improve the sources.

What we are going to do in this article is to summarize several techniques that you can use or added for your Prompts. This is designed for chatgpt, but they are elements that you can also incorporate into your prompts of COPILOT, Gemini, Grok or any other artificial intelligence chatbot.

Don’t talk to him as if he were Google

Without Google
Without Google

Chatgpt process your text differently from Googleand intelligence chats in general do it differently from search engines. An AI is trained to process the natural text, so you do not need to write using only keywords.

This means that you should forget to write with loose words so that the search engine detects those words and finds content that contains them. With chatgpt Write what you want naturallyin the same way you would ask a person.

It is clear about what you want to ask for

It is clear
It is clear

The first measure to get chatgpt to respond in a better way is specify everything you can When asking a question. Your question has to be clear and precise, and take into account the context And the purpose of what you want to ask.

For example, if you want to ask you to suggest a text to write an email, it is not the same to tell you that you simply want to tell you that email is “in English, to request work and with a professional tone where the skills are stand out “

When asking for information about something is the same, always try to specify everything you can. If you are looking for information about a specific product, the specific model, and so on. Avoid ambiguities and generalizationsand look for concrete things.

Details, details, details


With this I want to insist on the previous point. Don’t avoid details, don’t leave anything. If you are going to use chatgpt to compose an image, all the details will be taken into account, such as the types of clothing, facial features, the colors of the dresses, and so on. And when you ask you to generate a text, the details also matter.

When creating texts is the same, All the details you can enrich will enrich the answer. You can tell who the text is directed, the purpose, and even the length that you want it or if you want it in summary or point by point. You can also give details when asking about an event, specifying which part of the event you want me to tell you, what event, what details. And so with everything you ask.

Ask to use the structure you need


When you are asking chatgpt to compose a text, you can have you A purpose or a structure In mind, but the result of AI could be very different. Therefore, it is important that if you have a structure in mind, mentions in the prompt.

For example, you may want the AI ​​to tell you the differences between two mobiles, or make a comparison. Well, it is not the same to simply ask for doing it by saying to tell you the points for and against each one. You can also ask that it be an academic document, that it has a determined format, that you use bullets, what you need.

Adapt the explanations to you

5 years
5 years

If you have asked Chatgpt to explain and define something you have no idea, but You don’t understand the explanation too much Or it seems too complicated, you can adapt it to explain it to you in a much simpler way.

Something classic that I make myself for the most complex concepts is to add something like “explicit it like a 10 -year -old child.” You can also adapt it to other ages. When you do this, chatgpt The terminology and examples will change to make them much simpler, basic and understandable.

Define the sources you want


Chatgpt and other similar bots have been trained with large information databases, and if you ask you a question you will look in this information in general to compose an answer. Therefore, it is important specify where you want me to take out the information When you ask you to answer something.

For example, it is not the same to ask “what is climate change” than asking “explain to me what climate change is based on academic research and peer reviewed studies.” With this you are asking you not to draw the information from anywhere, but only of a specific type of more reliable source, and the time to give you the explanation will include appointments mentioning where it has taken it.

Mentions specific institutions or media

According to Aemet
According to Aemet

In addition to generic type types, you can also Ask to use concrete sources. This can be institutions or organisms, as well as web pages or specific media. You can also ask for authors or concrete studies.

Because it is not the same to ask you to tell you the time you will do tomorrow to ask you to tell you the time you will do tomorrow “according to Aemet.” Nor is it the same to ask for medical information or do it “according to WHO” or “according to Harvard publications.”

Ask to cite the sources


In addition to telling you the type of sources you want to use, you can also Ask you to include appointments from these sources. For example, you can ask you to explain the evolution “citing Darwin’s studies and other recognized scientists.” In the answer you compose, you will.

Ask for updated data


Although ChatgPT has an Internet search engine and can search for updated information on the network, You will not always do this by defaultsince sometimes to give you an answer you can simply look at the information with which I was trained in your day.

Therefore, when you are looking for current information You should ask for updated dataor that you give it a general reference. For example, it is not the same to ask you to tell you the best rock albums to ask you to tell you the best rock records “of 2024” or “of the last 5 years.”

Both Chatgpt and the rest of artificial intelligence chatbots make mistakes and show incorrect information. They simply suffer what are called “hallucinations”, and they can serve you false information with the same conviction with which they would do it with the real one, unable to distinguish it.

That is why it is important Verify the informationespecially looking for other sources in which you can contrast. Yes, it is something tedious, but today the AI ​​is not yet at a level in which we can believe everything that tells us.

In Xataka Basics | Chatgpt in WhatsApp: How to use it in the messaging app and have conversations with this artificial intelligence

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