the perfect way to get back to the routine

Let’s be frank. New Year’s resolutions They do not start on January 1st. Taking into account that the Three Wise Men visit many of our homes on the 6th and that it takes us a little longer to remove the Christmas tree, it is common for us to get really into the mood. second fortnight of the month. Amelia Bono and Lila Moss know it well.

Both have encouraged us, with their example, to start taking care of ourselves. The content creator and the model, respectively, resort to juice detox that makes you feel good inside and to beauty treatment that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin again. We will tell you more details so that you can prepare the juice at home. influencer and look for a protocol in your city beauty similar to that of Kate Moss’s daughter. If you start the year like this, 2025 has many options to have authentic transformative power in you.

Amelia Bono's green juice© ameliabono

Amelia Bono’s green juice

Amelia Bono recently prepared a cleansing juice very similar to the one Isabelle Junot and Kim Kardashian also take to show off radiant skin. The actress Paula Echevarría turns to him likewise very frequently. Amelia’s specifically has: celery, cucumber, apple, ginger and lemon.

Although we know that there is no miracle food and that the diets detox They make no sense because, fortunately, unless we have some pathology, we already have organs, such as the pancreas and kidneys, that are responsible for detoxifying the body, it never hurts to resort to these juices to provide extra nutrients and fiber to the body.

green juice© Getty Images

That fiber, precisely, is going to be what helps us regulate the digestive systemto prevent constipation and show off a flat stomach in the short and long term. Celery and cucumber also have diuretic properties so they will avoid fluid retention. Ginger has many properties: helps reduce inflammation in the bodystrengthens the immune system and helps fight infections. Lemon also contributes to the latter, due to its vitamin C supply. So Amelia juice comes in handy this time of year. Remember that, to preserve the fiber of fruits and vegetables, they should not be squeezed. Smoothies are always a good option.

Lila Moss's body beauty treatment© lilamoss

Lila Moss’s beauty treatment

Lila Moss, as she herself has told her virtual followers, attends, like many others celebrities to Keren Bartov’s clinic in London. Keren is a prominent entrepreneur in the world beauty with more than 17 years of experience. Its center in London offers personalized treatments based on advanced medical technologies to treat various skin conditions. Additionally, Keren has a line of skin care products developed in collaboration with recognized medical laboratories.

Lilac Moss

At Keren Bartov’s clinic offer a wide range of treatments using more than 50 advanced medical technologies. Some of the treatments available include:

All these technologies They combine to give rise to 100% personalized treatments. That’s why Lila Moss frequents this center. The model has confessed on many occasions that He has very sensitive skin and takes care of it delicately.. That is why you need to resort to beauty protocols specifically designed by professionals for her.

Elizabeth Olsen © keren_bartov
Sienna Miller© keren_bartov

Lily Collins, JLo, Cindy Crawford, Kristen Dunst, Paris Hilton, Courteney Cox, Kim Kardashian and Demi Moore are also in addition to Elizabeth Olsen and Sienna Miller (pictured) regular clients from this London clinic.

If you want to feel good in your own skin this 2025, The first thing is that you take care of yourself at home by carrying healthy habits. and following a nutritious diet. After, It will be essential that you put yourself in expert hands and go to professional beauty salons in the who can offer you personalized treatment to satisfy the particular needs of your skin and your body. The beauty treatments offered at the British clinic we have told you about are some of the most cutting-edge at the moment. Have you already tried them?

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