Spacex has launched 8,000 Starlink satellites in five years, but they are not enough. And we are beginning to understand why

Starlink satellite Internet service is the golden egg chicken that is helping Finance the Starship program and other ambitious Spacex projects. But for it to work, Spacex cannot stop launching satellites. Starlink is a commercial success. Spacex announced Friday That Starlink had exceeded 5 million customers, two more than he had a year ago. The … Read more

Human beings are evolving live and direct on the Tibetan plateau. And understand what happens there will be fundamental in space

It is not easy to breathe on the roof of the world. A few days ago, Kilian Jornet told in the revolt that, while he went down from Everest, He began to suffer hallucinations And convinced that he was dreaming he was about to jump into the void. And it makes sense because, thousands of … Read more

We have a new “theory of all” to understand Alzheimer’s. Your key is in small granules

Creating “theories of all”, unified models that explain various phenomena associated with a scientific field, is not exclusive heritage of physicists. The fight against some diseases can also benefit from models that help us understand their causes and consequences and the processes that mediate. New model. Now a group of researchers has devised a new … Read more

Thanks to this table we can finally understand how metals compatibility works

Materials science is an exciting discipline. It is likely that some people seem unattractive, and it is a respectable opinion, but objectively it is about A very important scientific branch. Its purpose is to study the structure, physicochemical properties and the behavior of the elements with the purpose of Design new materials which can be … Read more

Mets launcher Dardo against Yankees fans: “They don’t understand baseball”

The 2025 major league season and the encounters between Mets and Yankees are more than evident have not yet begun. Proof of this were the explosive statements of the launcher Aj Minterwho signed for two seasons with those of Queens in exchange for $ 22 million. After taking the Dominican Juan Soto from the Yankees, … Read more

NASA is about to launch two rockets toward the auroras. The objective: understand their hypnotic movements

The auroras have fascinated those who have observed them for millennia, but they continue to hold all kinds of mysteries. despite current sensors. In order to better understand your blinks and pulses, NASA will fly directly to them from the region of the United States where they appear most frequently. Meanwhile, in Alaska. Although almost … Read more

We spoke with the creators of ALIA, the 100% Spanish AI, to understand its future

This Monday it was announced release of ALIA language models. The initiative has been in development for years and it is now that the first fruits are beginning to be seen, still modest, but promising. To learn more details about ALIA, at Xataka we have spoken with Martha Villegas (@MartaVillegasM), head of the Language Technologies … Read more

Why what we understand as “normal” development in children could be wrong

Image source, Getty Images photo caption, Due to the immense variety of components that affect the growth of a human being, it is very difficult to define something as “normal.” Item information Author, Samuel Forbes and Prerna Aneja Author’s title, The Conversation* January 14, 2025 For parents, caregivers and teachers, it is often tempting to … Read more