has 128 more than we thought

Saturn did not need more moons to be a photogenic planet, but I had them. The latest observations have raised the official count of Saturn’s satellites to 274: almost double that all other combined planets. Jupiter has been left behind. In early 2023, Saturn snatched Jupiter The title of “Planet with more moons” when the … Read more

We thought we had seen everything about the futuristic city of Neom. A document has revealed what Saudi Arabia hidden: its cost

At the beginning of March Neom He was news again. Satellite images through Google showed that the expansion of its port had experienced a significant transformation as Part of oxagonthe “Pata” futuristic “leg” of Neom. Once again, the hyperbole flooded a project that was born exaggerated and that, perhaps, dies exactly the same. Dreams and … Read more

It turns out that it is older than we thought

China is one of the greatest powers regarding megaconstructions. Their Bridges and skyscraper, Even abandonedthey are one of their hallmarks, and that fascination with monumental constructions is not new. Perhaps one of the most representative constructions of the country is the great wall, and although we thought that its more than 21,000 kilometers did not … Read more

We thought that innovating was the way but we were very wrong

Recently reflected on the future iPhone 17 Air. Something hides this phone that I do not understand, since trying to sell an iPhone simply thinner as the main novelty of 2025 does not finish quadrar. Nor does the Galaxy S25 Edgean ultradelgated S25 future that, according to the photos, will have a hardware even lower … Read more