China has discovered a source of energy so massive that potentially lasts 60,000 years. The bad news: is Torio

China sits on a virtually unlimited energy reserve. Only the Bayan Obo mine, in the Interior Mongolia region, could contain about 1 million tons of Torio, sufficient to meet the country’s energy needs for 60,000 years. In interior Mongolia. While the world, with China at the head, looks for alternatives to fossil fuels to complement … Read more

Alibaba has new Open Source to generate videos. The problem is that it is being used to generate pornographic deepfakes

Last week Alibaba launched Wanx 2.1a new AI model for video generation that competes with others such as Sorafrom OpenAi, or I see 2from Google. The tool ended up becoming 24 hours later the person responsible for dozens of pornographic videos They will be published on the Internet. Wanx 2.1 is also an Open Source … Read more

Valve has released its source code and the possibilities are huge

Valve just Release the source code of ‘Team Fortress 2’. This game, considered one of the parents of the Hero Shootershas been spinning since 2007 (how hard it has been to write that) and is one of Steam’s best known and popular titles. Few online games that have been in the market for almost 20 … Read more

I wanted to set up my own Google photos. I have achieved it thanks to a wonderful alternative Open Source

I have a particular obsession to have my photos well organized. As I have been fighting with this for a few years, I have tried a good handful of solutions, and for example I enjoyed Picasa –Google killed him, like Reader– And I also tried solutions like Synology photos Following the steps From my partner … Read more

What is it, how does this Chinese artificial intelligence of open source do for the creation of videos

Let’s explain What is Goku Aia new artificial intelligence model of video generation. When we were still recovering from the irruption of Deepseek In the sector, the Chinese technology company Bytedance has launched a totally revolutionary model fear. We are going to start this article telling you what exactly Goku AI is, and the two … Read more

A Japanese study is being able to transform methane into a clean energy source: turquorogen turquorogen

Green hydrogen is the best known for its production from renewable energy, becoming One of the cleanest options. However, there are other types of hydrogen that can be of less to more pollutants. Among which we are going to highlight turquoise hydrogen, because it has aroused interest in its production process from methane without emitting … Read more