This new Netflix intrigue miniseries caught the most watched top and you can ventilate it with a sitting

It is worthy of studying the ristra of Thrillers that premieres Netflix destined for rapid and almost anxious consumption, which present a riddle that is resolved in a few chapters and that, as a sugary soda, leaves our palates at the same time satiated but wanting more. We often speak here of the almost continuous … Read more

Millionaires, tycoons and presidents: Guide to who was and where at Trump’s inauguration

The packed dais in the Capitol Rotunda on Inauguration Day featured four of the five richest men in the world, five U.S. presidents, technology and business magnates, and two foreign leaders in prime locations. Donald Trump’s inauguration was attended by traditional, unprecedented and unorthodox guests, from Supreme Court judges to the vice president of China … Read more