The average salary in Spain has grown up to 1,987 euros on average. Inflation leaves us 578 euros a year in the pocket

The average salary in Spain maintains Your upward trend of 2021, managing to link fifteen consecutive quarters of interannual ascent in the State as a whole. This climb leaves the average salary in its historical maximum, according to The semiannual report points ‘Adecco of opportunities and employment satisfaction’ monitor ‘that has been monitoring wages and … Read more

Employees value both teleworking that they would be willing to lower their salary: specifically up to 25%

100% remote work is becoming a model with less and less presencesince companies are adopting hybrid days at best, and the return to the face -to -face in many others. In that context, A study From the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) I have revealed that employees are willing to give up a percentage … Read more