We had many doubts about the relationship that Neanderthals and Sapiens had. The remains of a child are solving them

Today is a fact recognized by the scientific community, which sapiens(Homo sapiens) and Neanderthals (H. Neanderthalensis) They lived in some contexts. Fruit of that coexistence, the procreation between both human species and, the result of that procreation, a Neandertal genetic legacy that still lasts, to a greater or less measure, in our genes. Fruit also … Read more

Stephanie Salas uncovers what the family’s relationship is like after the death of Silvia Pinal

Almost two months after the death of the first actress Silvia Pinalher granddaughter Stephanie Salas He has decided to break the silence with respect to the current relationship of the members of the Pinal dynastythis after an alleged distancing from the departure of the matriarch was rumored. In an interview granted to the “Ventaneando” program, … Read more