Telefónica is 100 years old but it is now when you have to decide what you want to be older. Is facing its greatest existential dilemma

Few companies become hundred. Of those who achieve it, few have survived as many transformations as Telefónica. Founded when the phone was a luxury, a civil war, world war, dictatorships, democracies, republics and monarchies, privatizations, technological bubbles and digital revolutions has lived. But He has never faced a crossroads as existential as the current: Define … Read more

It turns out that it is older than we thought

China is one of the greatest powers regarding megaconstructions. Their Bridges and skyscraper, Even abandonedthey are one of their hallmarks, and that fascination with monumental constructions is not new. Perhaps one of the most representative constructions of the country is the great wall, and although we thought that its more than 21,000 kilometers did not … Read more

Trump freezes aid that could affect feeding of children and older adults

President Donald Trump ordered to freeze financial aid to several programs, including federal loans, in an attempt to eliminate expenses, but whose decision would even affect food aid programs for children, single mothers and older adults. The measure enters into force at 5:00 pm on Tuesday and has caused outrage, in addition to a group … Read more

Google finally fixes the navigation gesture that was broken on older Pixels when updating them to Android 15

Google is already working in the next Pixel 10 and Pixel 11 as was learned yesterday from an internal source. Now one of the bugs that were generated has been marked as corrected when updating old Pixels to the latest version of Android, precisely 15. This version was deployed to the new Pixel 9 like … Read more