Most likely you are drinking your coffee with bad milk. And the fault of everything has a factor: the temperature

There is a scene that you have surely lived if you have asked for a coffee in a restaurant or a cafeteria: you ask for a coffee with milk or a capuchino and, after assembling value, you ask that the milk is not very hot. That is when such a coffee serve you darkness And … Read more

FDA recalls 19,688 cartons of organic milk due to packaging error in 3 states

Due to a packaging error that puts the contents of the product at risk Almost 20,000 boxes of Horizon Organic Aseptic Plain Whole Milk that were distributed in three states in the country are being recalledaccording to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA by its acronym in English). This is a Class II … Read more

Enriched milk: the best option for people over 65 years of age

Milk enriched with the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) and foods that contain it can help people over 65 years of age to improve your cognitive abilities, including short-term memory. Reaching old age involves changes in the body that include neuronal wear and tear that has consequences such as diseases, memory loss, Alzheimer’s and senile … Read more