The comic-with Malaga is a milestone for the city and for Spain. His challenge is now to find out what kind of event he wants to be

Malaga will have Your own comic-withwith the denomination of official origin of what is the Convention of Comics in particular and entertainment for the most famous and influential Fandom in the world, the world, the Comic-Con de San Diego. It will be the first time that the brand leaves the United States and will be … Read more

More and more public transport networks are going to renewables. And the Málaga subway is the last example

The renewable generation is marking a milestone In Spain. This advance has promoted many cities to integrate clean sources in their public infrastructure, such as Malaga. The city meter wants to be propelled by solar energy. Short. The Málaga Metro It has ended The third and last phase installation of its photovoltaic solar plant, located … Read more

Malaga risks being a victim of his own tourist success. So your City Council already warns: it is reaching the limit

There are times when one figure says more than a thousand words, and in the case of Malaga tourism it seems to be fulfilled: last summer the hotels of the city welcomed some 418,000 travelerswell above 132,700 scored during the same months of 2005. And that is only what the INE records in its Hotel … Read more

More and more cities are saying goodbye to horse-drawn carriages for tourists. Málaga has decided that this will be its last year

Malaga no longer wants horse carriages. That its City Council does not feel comfortable with the tourist buggies that still roll through the city is something known and that its mayor, Francisco de la Torre, recognized no holds barred in summer. What the coachmen who continue to exploit the 25 current carriage licenses probably did … Read more