Austin has managed to lower the price of housing in full world crisis. One of your keys: build a lot

It doesn’t matter if it is the US, Europe or Asia. Where there is a tensioning real estate market, with upward prices and families forced to spend more than advisable In your rent or mortgages the question is always the same: how to lower prices or at least moderate them? Is there a formula that … Read more

I have got on a driver without a driver in Barcelona and I have not noticed many differences in the trip. That says a lot

The completely autonomous driving It is one of the pending automotive subjects. Divided into levels, where the one is mere assistance and the five full autonomous, I have been able to get on a Level Bus Four. It is manufactured by Renault. And Barcelona lent its streets as an urban circuit. The experience was very … Read more

The only problem is that it has little car and a lot of evtol

We have been dreaming of seeing for years Flying cars touring our cities. Films like ‘The fifth element‘,’Blade Runner 2049‘ and ‘Total Recall‘They have drawn us a future where the traffic jams are resolved in the air, releasing the streets and transforming urban mobility. However, reality is still determined to go slower, with a variety … Read more

Sam Altman had a plan to turn Openai into a For-Profit. Elon Musk’s megaoferta will complicate it a lot

A group of inversones, at the head of which is Elon Musk, has made An offer of 97.4 billion dollars to buy the non -profit organization (Nonprofit) that OpenAi controls. We have a new soap opera in sight, but this time the story has a lot of crumb. Altman and Musk, confronted. Sam Altman published … Read more

I started reading ‘Cointelligence’ with a lot of skepticism. Its reasonableness makes it an essential book on AI

If the readings on productivity They are a minefield in which you have to dodge bombs before finding gold, the AI ​​readings are even more so. Most are divided into two large groups: Unbridled techno-optimism. Apocalyptic catastrophism. And that’s if you’re lucky and it’s not a scam to sell you a course. That’s why I … Read more

Cruises will save a lot of fuel through the sun through their balconies: a new German proposal

Solar balconies have proven to be effective in terms of self -consumption in countries such as Germany, Netherlands And even Spain. But what would happen if we took them to the middle of the sea? Not in the form of floating panels, but integrated into a cruise. A cruise with solar panels. An investigation has … Read more