How to send a video from Telegram to Chromecast or Google TV

Let’s explain How to send Videos from Telegram to Chromecastsomething will also serve with Google TV and that is possible with a new update of the messaging app. Currently this option is available in the Telegram version for Android, although it is a matter of time that also arrives at iOS. To be able to … Read more

It doesn’t matter if you delete your messages on WhatsApp, Google keeps them the same. The State Attorney General has discovered him for the bad

Google and WhatsApp have confirmed to the Supreme Court that they will retain the data of Attorney General Álvaro García Ortiz, according to PUBLICA The country. The prosecutor is being investigated for alleged revelation of secrets By filtering information about an agreement offered by Alberto González Amador’s lawyer, a couple of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, to … Read more

Google hoped that the new US government would save him from “chopping” in several companies. Bad news

It doesn’t matter when you read this, it is almost certain that in the last hours you have used some Google service. Maybe you have sent an email in Gmail, received a message on your Android mobile, sailed with Chrome or made a google search. The company dominates so many aspects of digital life that … Read more

Larry Page, founder of Google, has a new company and a goal between eyebrows and eyebrows: manufacture products with AI

While Serguéi Brin focuses in stepping on the accelerator To position Google in his career for AI, Larry Page is already exploring the industrial profits that future artificial intelligence models will have. As published The InformationPage would be behind Dynatoms, a startup focused on applying artificial intelligence algorithms to the DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF PRODUCTS … Read more

Freepik already integrates 2 to generate video with AI. He has even released it even that Google herself

Freepik has been consolidating for some time as A reference in the creation of multimedia content with AI. Not only at the national or European level, but worldwide. And now he has surprised the world by premiere exclusively, Google’s 2. Why is it important. The launch of I see 2 through Freepikeven before, on Google’s … Read more

Technology are obsessed with which we use their AI. And Google wants to do the same with the iPhone

Technology are allocating A good part of its resources to invest in AI. And, for That is profitableit has to be used by the maximum possible number of people. If there is someone doing it well in that regard is Google, who is signing alliances with practically the entire smartphone industry to incorporate their model … Read more

I wanted to set up my own Google photos. I have achieved it thanks to a wonderful alternative Open Source

I have a particular obsession to have my photos well organized. As I have been fighting with this for a few years, I have tried a good handful of solutions, and for example I enjoyed Picasa –Google killed him, like Reader– And I also tried solutions like Synology photos Following the steps From my partner … Read more

Now Claudia Sheinbaum threatens to sue Google for her maps

Google Maps shows different names for the Gulf of Mexico according to the country from where the application is accessed. In Mexico, it maintains the traditional denomination, while in the United States it appears as “Gulf of America” In Spain and other places, a combination is shown: “Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)”. The change … Read more

Mediamarkt has the best offer at the Google Pixel 9, but to buy it cheap you have to follow a simple step

Some stores, especially Mediamarkt, usually launch Offers whose discounts are applied once you add a certain product to the purchase basket. This is something that can be ignored if we do not pay attention to the name, or the description, of the campaign. And, of course, it is what has happened again in Mediamarkt, this … Read more