If it seemed to us that time was driving crazy, we now have a new phenomenon: “The ghost girl”

We have spent months Waiting for the arrival of the girl. Countries, agencies and universities have dedicated hours and hours to try to find out how to prepare for what was coming and the truth is that there was not necessary to prepare too much: the girl is being very weak and moderate. Good show … Read more

If ‘the snow girl’ has left you wanting, you can recover this 6 -episodes miniseries in Netflix with a similar argument

The second season of ‘The snow girl’ has become one of Netflix’s recent successes. If you have already finished with it and look for similar series, it is possible that this co -production between the United States and Germany that premiered in 2023 (curiously, very close in time to the first season of ‘The snow … Read more

The ‘Good Girl’ makeup that Hailey Bieber has put fashionable or the look that the good girls will choose

After overcoming the era Coquette or that of the Mob Wives inspired by the wives of the gangsters Of the 60s and 70s, we seek naturalness again through makeup trends with that good face effect that never really goes out of style. The new ambassador is neither more nor less than Hailey Bieber, The Queen … Read more