The most valuable company in the world has no interest in investing in data centers fever

Big tech are investing Absolute fortunes in data centers. Almost all seem to be prepared to meet the colossal demand for computing capacity for AI tasks. And yet, there is a curious and surprising exception. Money, money and more money. In recent days, several large technology have announced their investment plans by 2025. In all … Read more

China lives a cherry fever and Chile has become supermarket. It is a danger to the Chilean industry

The culinary tastes and customs of some countries may seem peculiar. It is not necessary to go very far: a few years ago The #Swedengate occurred for the controversy that, in Sweden, Guests did not feed. It is a more Nordic custom that clashes with the Mediterranean. If we go the other tip of the … Read more

The new fever in China is mobile series with one-minute episodes. And they prepare their landing outside Asia

Who was going to tell us that Quibithat app that around here we welcomed with joy and which presented series divided into short chapters designed to be consumed vertically or horizontally but always operated from the mobile phone, had been visionary. That Jeffrey Katzenberg invention ended up being a fiasco and a waste of money, … Read more