8,000 years ago a group of farmers crossed the Aegean Sea. Its trail can still be seen in the DNA in Media Europe

A little before 7,000 before Christ, the western hunters-gatherers and the center of the Anatolia They started cultivating. It seems likely and unimportant. But that little change ended up causing a deep social, economic and demographic reorganization of the entire European continent. And it is not an exaggeration. It was so strong that even today … Read more

We have just rewritten the genealogy of the inhabitants of the Cantabria of the Paleolithic. Thanks to DNA found in the mud

If we want to enter tens of thousands of years ago in the genetics of our ancestors, the only path we have is to study the bone remains in search of the low genetic material remaining in them. Or at least that used to be the case. 46,000 years ago. Because a new study has … Read more

We have been looking for the mysterious ancestor town of the Indo -Europeans. We have a new track in DNA

We know that Latin languages ​​have their common origin in Latin peoples such as the one that ended up forging the Roman Empire. We know that Germanic languages ​​had their origin in the Germanic tribes that at that same time inhabited northern Europe. But these two language families have a common trunk that goes back … Read more

Europe has the highest rate of multiple sclerosis in the world. The explanation lies in the DNA of the steppe shepherds

First there were hunter-gatherers about 45,000 years ago. The first modern humans arrived in a Europe where the Neanderthals still reigned. Then there were the farmers of the Middle East about 11,000 years ago and finally, about 5,000 years ago they were the nomadic pastoralists of the steppes of Central Asia. That is, according to … Read more