Cloudflare begins legal actions against LaLiga for its IPS blockages. They are “clumsy and ineffective”

The open war between LaLiga and Cloudflare It is intensified. Since the beginning of February LaLiga has been ordering operators The temporary block of a series of shared IPS that belong to Cloudflare. The goal is to avoid illegal soccer matches, but those indiscriminate blockages are causing damage to third parties. There are many affected … Read more

This is how Ech works, the Technological Shield of Cloudflare that has put the operators between the sword and the wall

The LaLiga fight against illegal soccer broadcasts It has encountered an unexpected obstacle: Ech (Encrypted Client Hello), an encryption protocol that stars in the great conflict and the collateral damage of this battle, which splashes thousands of companies. Turning point. It all started when Cloudflare implemented in October 2023 (Encrypted Client Hello), an extension of … Read more

In LaLiga Cloudflare IPS blockages they are paying fair for sinners. The righteous are already proposed legal actions

This weekend They turned to produce Problems for many Internet users who failed to access the websites they visit normally. The reason in many cases was the Cloudflare IPS blockade that several operators carried out due to LaLiga’s demands. Users reaches. As we explain, the war between these two entities comes from afar, and the … Read more

What is cloudflare, how it works and why a fall or block makes half the Internet fail

Let’s explain What is cloudflare and how it works This shield and accelerator for web pages. It is one of those almost essential services for the correct functioning of the Internet, but that we are not aware until it fails or blocks and you can enter hundreds of websites. We will begin this article explaining … Read more

IPS blocks that affect Cloudflare are the new Internet condemnation. Spain Italy, and the United Kingdom already suffers them

The situation we are living these days in Spain with the Internet is worrying. Indiscriminate IPS blockages caused by the fight against illegal soccer broadcasts have made Complaints about Movistar’s service, O2 or Digi multiply: When these sporting events are held, various web sites and services cease to be accessible. The measures are resulting to … Read more

LaLiga’s crusade with football comes long. And with Movistar and Cloudflare they are paying fair for sinners

Football is causing real chaos on the Internet. Not directly, but due to LaLiga’s obsession to avoid illegal emissions of the parties. The particular crusade of this body against these emissions comes from afar, but is beginning to cause real problems to users and companies that have nothing to do with the problem of these … Read more