After years with its closed borders, North Korea has opened to foreign tourism. The price: more than $ 600

Very shy, limited and with restrictions, but North Korea begins to open to foreign tourism five years after have sealed its borders to protect yourself from the propagation of COVID-19. The hermetic nation led by Kim Jong-un is about to be somewhat less hermetic, both for travelers from China and Western. Of course, at least … Read more

It turns out that in Spain there was a company dedicated to spy software and has closed after declaring in bankruptcy

In Spain we can boast many things, but having known companies globally for the development of spy softwareNo. Although Barcelona is becoming An unexpected Startup Hub related to this sectorthe reality is that we do not have a great NSO GroupFor example. The closest thing was an unknown company called Mollitiam Industries. We talked in … Read more

Su7 closed the year selling more than Model 3 and aspires to give it a great bite in sales in 2025

Just two months ago we reviewed all the key dates of the Xiaomi first electric car. The Chinese company has managed to put an electric shielding car capable of compete on paper With brands like Tesla but also with firms that have always seemed more inaccessible, such as Porsche. Then we explain that the project … Read more