We thought we had seen everything about the futuristic city of Neom. A document has revealed what Saudi Arabia hidden: its cost

At the beginning of March Neom He was news again. Satellite images through Google showed that the expansion of its port had experienced a significant transformation as Part of oxagonthe “Pata” futuristic “leg” of Neom. Once again, the hyperbole flooded a project that was born exaggerated and that, perhaps, dies exactly the same. Dreams and … Read more

There is a roundabout collapsing access to Granada. The City Council wants to fix it by putting the traffic lights

Spain is A country of roundabouts. And although they are born to relieve traffic circulation, it is common manage to generate the opposite effect. This is the case of the roundabout that joins the highway of the GR-30 Circunvalación with Fernando de los Ríos Avenue, in Granada. A quite complex point of union between key … Read more

A Venezuelan invented a city without law in the middle of an island. Now the millionaires who followed him do not know how to escape

In recent history there are several examples of projects of private for profit that sought to redifing the concept of governance and economic development combining libertarian, neoliberal and corporatist principles in the same cocktail shaker. ShenzhenIn China, it began as a special economic zone in 1980 and grew from being a fishing village to a … Read more

The comic-with Malaga is a milestone for the city and for Spain. His challenge is now to find out what kind of event he wants to be

Malaga will have Your own comic-withwith the denomination of official origin of what is the Convention of Comics in particular and entertainment for the most famous and influential Fandom in the world, the world, the Comic-Con de San Diego. It will be the first time that the brand leaves the United States and will be … Read more

South Korea has done an exercise with its F-16. They have mistakenly bombard a city near the border with the north

The F-16 They are possibly one of the most popular fighters. These are monomotor combat airplanes developed by the American General Dynamics that went from being listed as “light hunting” to evolve to versatile. Inside, one of the most common air weapons on the planet: the pump without guide Mark 82. Up to eight of … Read more

A Catalan tells his most northern city experience in the world

He Svalbard archipelago It is the most northern place in Europe. It is a huge ice cream far away above the Arctic Circle where about 2,500 people They are officially forbidden to die. There, right there, there is a Catalan. A Catalan? Indeed. Born in Sant Cugat del Vallès 29 years ago, Nil Rodés It … Read more

The Atlantic has a ‘lost city’ with the key to life on other planets. Now is in danger

The earth seems to have no secrets at this point. That if we talk about the earth’s part, of course, because although nWe are putting the batteries With the oceanic background, much remains to be known. And one of the examples is the lost city found in 2000, a set of structures in the middle … Read more

that of 1755, the disaster that destroyed the city and changed science

Earthquakes in Lisbon can be more or less intenseto have greater or lesser reach and unleash or not alarm, but since the mid -eighteenth century all (whether strong, medium or slight) have something in common: in addition to stirring the ground, they remove the memory. Ease in the Portuguese capital is synonymous with 1755. of … Read more

Barcelona is the city of Spain with more motorcycles. Now the Generalitat considers limiting its circulation

Spain has a mobile park of 4,162,850 motorcycles. Of these, 22.8% are registered in Catalonia. In total, there are 947,895 motorcycles that circulate through the streets of the Autonomous Community, according to Statistics Institute of Catalonia. The figure shows the enormous weight that the motorcycle represents In Catalonia. No other vehicle is so popular if … Read more

In Alicante there is a city invaded by chickens. So you have prepared a plan of 26,000 euros to get rid of them

In the middle of Alicante coast, Torrevieja is known for its beaches, heritage And above all The pink lagoonincreasingly crowded by visitors in search of sunsets Instagrameable of which to presume in networks. However, over the last days this town of 94,800 neighbors He has monopolized headlines for another very different reason: his chickens. Or … Read more