constancy, notes and a bag of books

Bill Gates, in addition to being known for being one of the most influential technological magnates of the last four decades, so it is because they are An avid reader. Researchers at the University of Emory de Atlanta They demonstrated that reading is a habit that exercises the ability to concentrate and cognitive development. Microsoft’s … Read more

Meta emails reveal that he downloaded 81.7 TB of books with copyright via Bittorrent to train their AI models

In the legal process Kadrey against goal Mark Zuckerberg’s company is accused of having used works protected by copyright to train their artificial intelligence models. A few weeks ago it was revealed that Zuckerberg had approved to use pirate booksbut now new and powerful evidence of this looting arrive. Revealed emails. He “Appendix a“The case … Read more

This safe box office is based on an editorial phenomenon that has sold four million books

The roller of the premieres dedicated to the child public does not stop. After the inevitable avalanche of Christmas productions that have given us successes such as’WICKED‘,’Sonic 3‘ either ‘MUFASA‘, It comes almost without giving time to take a breath’ Polyán ‘, the story of a half human police half a dog. Land under the … Read more

Johann Hari, journalist: “The idea that obesity is a sin is deeply rooted in our culture” | Health and well-being

A couple of days after starting to take Ozempicsays the journalist and writer Johann Hari (Glasgow, 46 years old), he woke up with a strange sensation, unknown to him: he was not hungry. He got out of bed and went out to have breakfast at the bar, the usual breakfast, a chicken sandwich with mayonnaise. … Read more

Patric Gagne, psychologist: “The antisocial traits of politicians are confused with strength and people are attracted to it” | Health and well-being

“I’m not bad, it’s just that they have drawn me like that.” The ex-therapist Patrick Gagne (Los Angeles, USA, 49 years old) paraphrases Jessica Rabbit—a cartoon character from Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (Robert Zemeckis, 1988)—when recounting his criminal activities, such as stealing Ringo Starr’s glasses, breaking into homes or taking other people’s cars for night … Read more

Spend a moment of real panic with these books that review the grotesque world of 80s horror and horror noire

We peer into terror in ‘paper maze‘, the fantastic literature podcast that we do at Xataka in collaboration with Minotauro, and we do it with a couple of new features that combine classic and modern. On the one hand, an essay that delves into the disconcerting and insane world of horror paperbacks from the eighties. … Read more