The worst nightmare of the Atlantic Alliance is more than an investment issue

That Donald Trump is not a NATO enthusiast is nothing new. He already showed him during His first mandatewhen he slid the possibility that the US took a step back in the Atlantic Alliance, and has underlined it several times since then, like candidate and elected president. But as the relationship It is tense With … Read more

The Atlantic has a ‘lost city’ with the key to life on other planets. Now is in danger

The earth seems to have no secrets at this point. That if we talk about the earth’s part, of course, because although nWe are putting the batteries With the oceanic background, much remains to be known. And one of the examples is the lost city found in 2000, a set of structures in the middle … Read more

“Festival of cycloogenesis in the middle of the Atlantic”.

Behind him Vodevil of the ‘Beast of the East’ and the anticyclonic wall last week, the thing will change radically in the Atlantic. And, in the next few days, the polar jet “He will take run“And the ocean will live an authentic”Festival of cycloogenesis“ It will only need a little luck so that this “festival” … Read more

We have been fearing the arrival of the ‘Beast of the East’ a week and in the end an Atlantic front has sneaked into the squad

In recent days, the big topic of weather conversation has been the ‘East beast‘. Many things have been said: from Nieves generalized throughout the country to a simple decrease in temperatures. What we did not expect was the “extraordinary turn” that the situation has taken. What do we talk about when we talk about the … Read more