OpenAi has taken everything he wanted from the Internet to train his AI. Now accuses Depseek of stealing his data

The models of AI of Deepseek They are really good. They show it comparative evidence we publish yesterday and that put it at the level of chatgpt, Claude or Gemini. That has unleashed praises, but also suspicion. There are people who do not believe that training deepseek It has cost just 5.6 million dollarsbut also … Read more

Maribel Guardia accuses Imelda Tuñón of having driven while intoxicated

This week Maribel Guardia filed a complaint against Imelda Tuñónmother of his grandson José Julián Figueroa Garza. The actress seeks to protect the integrity of the child, due to many behaviors that Tuñón had during the time he lived in her house. Maribel Guardia will be in charge of her grandson temporarily Various media have … Read more