Labor productivity has become In a topic of debate before the imminence of the arrival of the reduction of the working day at 37.5 hours per week.
However, much more important than the legal amount of hours that form the working day, it is What are those hours used. A recent study of the Ringover Business Software Platform has discovered that employees are only really productive for an average of five hours and six minutes of their day.
Being at work is not working. He study It was made on a sample of 1,063 Spanish adults between 18 and 70 years. Their conclusions suggest that the Spaniards only take advantage of 63.75% of a 40 -hour workday, with an average of five hours and six minutes dedicated exclusively to productive tasks related to their work.
Among employee groups, women are more productive than men with an average of 36 minutes of daily work. By age range, employees between 44 and 59 are the ones who waste less time during their working days, reaching days with a real productivity time above six hours a day. The least productive is the range between 28 and 43, with four hours and 58 minutes of effective work.
Not remote or face -to -face. The study highlights that employees with Hybrid working days They are the ones who claimed to take advantage of their day, with an average productivity of five hours and 36 minutes. Against all forecast, face -to -face employees did not exceed that time, registering an average of five hours and 12 minutes of real work, while workers with 100% remote days They recognized being the most inefficient With an average of four hours and 36 minutes.
Again, the veteran factor also has influence on the best use of time. The most committed to their workday are the owners of the businesses or high -ranking managers, with six hours and 12 minutes of real work daily, followed by Senior employees and Junior with just under five hours and 28 minutes. The least productive proved to be intermediate controlswith only 4 hours and 48 minutes daily used in their respective works.
Most common distractions. According to the responses obtained, navigating the Internet doing personal searches is the activity that occupies the most real work time. Employees dedicate 56 minutes a day in it, followed by talking to family and friends (55 minutes) or chatting with other colleagues not related to work (52 minutes).
Review social networks during the working day consumes 50 minutes of time, while look at the vacuum dreaming It occupies an average of 46 minutes a day among the respondents. Paradoxically, many employees use an average of 43 minutes a day looking for another job, instead of doing their job.

What motivates this low productivity? 46% of the employees surveyed claimed that this low productivity was due to the end of their work With enough timeand used excess time to carry out personal or unrelated activities to their employment.
76.8% of respondents claimed to have had Problems to concentrate At work, and 28.8% say they often suffer or always these concentration problems During your workday. 62% ensure that sometimes or often they feel concerned about their work performance. At the opposite end, 25.7% say they do not feel guilty at all with personal activities during their workday.
In Xataka | ANDl 80% of online purchases are made during working hours and the data point to a suspect: the gene generation
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