That Japan lives A tourist boom unprecedented was reflected last December, when the Nation registered an absolute record of international visitors reaching the 3.49 million tourists In a single month, closing a year that reached the 36.87 million visitors. Interestingly, this massive arrival of people in the country does not have its counterpart in the Japanese. In fact, the rate of citizens who have a passport to travel is very small.
17%. Although the Japanese passport is considered one of the most powerful in the world, with access without visa to more than 190 countries, the figure leaves doubts: only 17% of the population Japanese has one, a surprisingly low figure compared to other developed nations. In countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, for example, the percentage of citizens with a passport is 50% and 85% respectivelywhich shows a notable difference in the disposition of the Japanese to travel abroad.
According to data from the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 2024, 3.7 million passports were issued, which represents an 8.8% increase compared to the previous year, but remains 15.2% lower than in 2019, before the pandemic.
Factors behind the data. Historically, the passport rate in Japan has been low compared to other advanced economies, maintaining Between 22% and 24% In the 2010s. However, this number collapsed during the pandemic and has not shown significant recovery signs since then.
Several causes are pointed out, in addition to family economies. One of the key factors is paradoxical: The devaluation of Yennot stop Attract tourisminternational trips have increased and the disposition of the Japanese to leave the country. In addition, the prolonged travel restrictions imposed during the pandemic conducted the population to travel, especially to young people.
Loss of competitiveness. According to the Japanese Association of Travel Agents (JATA), the interest of young people for traveling abroad has weakened too much, so much that they think it could have long -term consequences for Japan’s global competitiveness. Its president, Hiroyuki Takahashi, has expressed concern about the gap between entry and exit tourism, warning that the country must correct this severe imbalance to maintain its international influence.

Impact on education. The decline in the provision of the Japanese to travel not only affects tourism, but also to student mobility. In fiscal year 2023, Only 58,162 university students They participated in short and medium -term exchange programs, half of the levels prior to the pandemic in 2018 and 2019.
But there is more. The number of Japanese students who carry out long -term studies abroad has also fallen dramatically. In 2022, Only 41,612 students traveled abroada figure much lower to the maximum historical of 82,945 in 2004. A phenomenon that contrasts with the growing number of foreign students who Japan choose as educational destinationwhich reinforces the idea that Japan is losing presence in academic and professional exchange circuits.
Solutions to stop the trend. Given this situation, experts have suggested that the government take proactive measures to promote international trips among young people. Among the most outstanding proposals is offer free passports To those who travel abroad for the first time, which could encourage more people (especially young people) to explore the world and strengthen the role of Japan in the global stage.
And meanwhile: tourism. We said it at the beginning, while the number of Japanese who seem willing to travel outside their borders is ridiculous compared to its population, to the nation Does not stop people.
In fact, the rise of tourism has provided a vital impulse to the country’s economy, turning the expenditure of visitors into the second largest export of the nation, only behind the automotive sector and above the electronic component industry. In 2024, travelers spending reached a 8.1 billion record (51.57 billion dollars), a 53% increase Regarding the previous year.
A country that looks inward. In the end, the data show a clear reflection of Japanese society. Japan faces A worrying decline In the disposition of its population to travel abroad, with economic, generational and social factors that have reduced the international mobility of Japanese.
Although the country continues to receive a disproportionate tourists and foreign students, their international projection is weakened by the lack of exchange in the opposite direction. Hence, the passport data is not much less trivial, and that the government seeks measures to encourage travel and learning outside its borders. At stake is the competitiveness of the nation.
Image | SATHISH J., Mydearboy
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