Curling your tongue: why some can do it and you can’t

Has a friend or family member ever shown you how you can curl your tongue? Or maybe you do it and you’re surprised that others can’t. Experts have been investigating this curious ability and They estimate that those who manage to do so could have a higher coefficient than the restthat is, they are “more” intelligent.

The reality indicates that not everyone achieves it and it is mostly due to genetic factors or environmental factors during growth. Even, Psychology highlights that curling the tongue comes from physical dexterity, linked to creativity and extroversion..

From an anatomical point of view, forming a “U” or even a cloverleaf (much more complicated) It is possible thanks to a muscular flexibility that the tongue acquires, probably due to genetics.. However, it could also be due to a person’s introspection, combining balance and creativity.

Now, and this is where the key point comes in, that muscular flexibility that allows the complex movement of the tongue would be associated with greater mental adaptability. According to experts, Physical dexterity is associated with cognitive skills, improving problem solving and creative thinking. That is where being “smarter” would be taken into account.

And what do environmental factors have to do with it?

It depends, because if you are thinking about pollution and global warming, this has nothing to do with it. Researchers consider “environmental factor” the environment and exposure to certain stimuli and practices to which a child is subjected.. The more you do coordination exercises, for example, the more likely you are to succeed.

And if it is hereditary from both parents, it is probably much easier, because they acquire that muscular flexibility that the tongue needs to curve.

The conclusion of the experts, and probably the most important finding, is that human development is a complex process where different factors interact, in this case genetic, physical, psychological and environmental. The doors for new studies are open.

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