A hole of 700 million euros with the Treasury

The many joys that RTVE is receiving In terms of audience They have a reverse in the form of Continuous conflicts with the Treasury. And it seems that we have a new drama in perspective: there is a mismatch in VAT contributed by the entity that could cause, According to the worldan “economic breakdown” of up to 739 million euros.

Millions in losses. It is being a complicated year for RTVE in economic matters. In January of this year, President José Pablo López appeared for the first time before the Parliamentary Control Commission and recognized losses of 30 million in the budgetary exercises of 2023 and 2024, which would have to be covered with the reserve funds destined for this purpose by the SEPI. However, its management has been valued very positively: in May 2024 its predecessor in office, Cascajosa Concepción, already warned of the red numbers of RTVE’s accounts, which some media like the world They encrypted in those 30 million that have not increased during López’s management.

More tensions. However, the conflict with the Treasury due to VAT is somewhat greater. “A disparity of criteria is maintained in relation to the supported VAT that must be considered deductible” affirms the memory of accounts, and that refers to a conflict that dates back to 2018, coinciding with the arrival of the PSOE to the Government YLA controversial entry into the presidency from RTVE by Rosa María Mateo. It was then that the Treasury initiated an inspection against several public televisions when they considered that they had to pay VAT for the subsidies they received

TVE believes he doesn’t have to pay. Since then, RTVE considers that it is not obliged to pay the VAT that is claimed, relying on a judgment of the European Court of Justice around a case in Bulgaria that supports the exemption of VAT. This same criteria was applied in Spain in 2024 in the case of the Television of Castilla-La Mancha. But RTVE’s problems with VAT do not end there: not only is the problem of how this tax pays, but how it deduces it.

VAT deductions. There are three open procedures with TVE on this last topic, and understand three periods:

  • From January 2015 to October 2017
  • November 2017 to December 2021
  • From January 2022 to December 2022

TVE’s forecasts are always optimistic, and believes that the Treasury must reintegrate money into the three processes: 255 million, 151.95 million and 42 million, respectively. There are precedents: in June 2024, the National Court sentenced that the Treasury had to return 140 million euros to RTVE, relieveing ​​in this way The complicated RTVE accounts.

Changes, changes. All these conflicts coincide over time with a very marked tone change in the chain: José Pablo López has appointed as TVE number 2 to Sergio Calderónwhich is undertaking a renewal of the contents that It is not going to end in Broncano (An acquisition of the previous directive), but already plans to attack the afternoons of the chain, giving it somewhat more modern airs. All if the budgets, immovable since 2009they allow it.

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