did it for a good reason

Ryanair is known for two things: his Cheap flights The tone outputs of his CEO Michael O’Leary. The first is about to stop being a realitybut we will always have the occurrences of its manager.

If O’Lery has shown us in his Ryanair management, it is that He doesn’t like wasting time Not even the inefficient processes, so one day he thought how he could get rid of the endless Dublin traffic jams. Your idea: go by taxi.

O’Leary Cabs: A taxi for your CEO

In the early 2000s, O’Leary surprised many when buying a taxi license for the Mercedes-Benz S500L that the manager used in his daily displacements. From that moment, the “O’Leary Cabs” was born, a taxi company formed by a single vehicle “His,” with a single driver, “her driver – and two exclusive clients,” he and his wife.

The reason that promoted him is that, according to the Irish regulations“Taxis must carry the corresponding brand and be equipped with a taximeter, a printer and a roof poster. Taxis can also use bus lanes when they work.”

That means that O’Lery had found the formula to expedite its displacements through the city, turning its company car into an exclusive taxi that could Legally use city bus lanes and not get caught in the frequent Dublin traffic jams.

When the strategy was shaved, the manager assured That “it is a black taxi, it is registered in Mullingar (O’Leary residence close to Dublin), I have a PSV driver (Public Service Vehicle) that leads it for me and, if you want to modify the regulations that say that I can collect people in Dublin, I will be happy to collect people in Dublin; I will do it much cheaper. “

583,000 euros in taxi

Ryanair’s CEO taxi company was totally legal and operated like any other company in the sector, with the only exception of being dedicated to satisfying the needs of a single client or his family.

For everything else, the company met all the requirements, and even had an established rate between Mullingar, the city in which it could operate as a public taxi, and Dublin airport: 86 euros per route. An amount that Michael O’Lery subscribed religiously.

“It is only one of the penalties that I pay for the pleasure of living in Mulling.

In fact, the taxis company registered some benefits In 2011 of 41,000, which raised its benefits from the company from 2000 to about 583,000 euros, showing as a solvent company, thanks to the daily displacements of Michael O’Leary to Dublin.

At the end of 2011, O’Leary’s “taxi” was put up for sale as “the most famous taxi in Ireland” for a price of 20,000 euros. The Mercedes-Benz S500L registered at that time 275,000 kilometers in its accounting and was equipped with all the comforts.

The O’Leary taxi company continues to operate, although now it does so under the name of Tillingdale Unlimited that operates other services, but maintains the Taxi service for your only and exclusive clientthat seeks to avoid traffic jams using ingenuity.

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Image | Flickr (Underway in Ireland, World Travel & Tourism Council)

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