A fine of 150 euros

Few things are more annoying than train With two or three hours of travel ahead and that, right in your car, someone starts listening to music or watching videos on the mobile without headphones. Well, one of those things that can be worse is that this pleasant subject will talk on the phone. But it can go to more, because it can Do it on speaker So that, not happy to make us listen to his voice, we can also hear that of his interlocutor. The hairs like escarpias, xatakers.

Well, in France, a passenger who responds to David’s name already knows what happens when you have similar behavior.

150 Euritos. As They collect local mediaThat is the fine that the SNCF (National French Railway Society) put David, a 54 -year -old male, last Sunday, February 2. The reason, explained the passenger, is to have made a call in speaker not on the train, but at the Nantes station. The fine was 150 euros, but the total amount amounted to 200 for not having paid it on the spot.

What happened? According to the passenger, he was talking to his sister “stuck to showcase, behind the stores. I always have the habit of isolating myself. I put the speaker mode when I wanted to check on the Internet, if (I was going to have) my connection.” David says there was no one close, except “a group of five agents a few meters.”

One of these agents approached to let him know that he could be fined 150 euros for the noise caused. According to David, he hung the call, but received the fine in the same way. When refusing to pay it, the amount rose to 200 euros. This is the version of the passenger.

The version of the SNCF. In statements a Le Parisienthe SNCF confirmed the fine and gave a different version of the events. David was not isolated, but in “a waiting room for passengers and customers who want He had asked several times, “said the organic. “Things were heated between the agents and the passenger,” he concluded.

The key. He Article R2241-18 of the Transport Code. This article establishes that “in the spaces and vehicles destined for public transport of persons or merchandise, it is prohibited for anyone to use, without authorization, devices or instruments that produce noise, or disturb the tranquility of others making noise or causing discomfort. Failure to comply with the provisions of this article is sanctioned with a fourth class fine. ” According to the SNCF, the same would have happened if instead of talking on the phone I would have been listening to music.

Image | Talgo
Image | Talgo

Image | Talgo

And in Spain? There are no contemplated sanctions of this type, at least in Renfe. However, the operator can take measures in the event that one or more passengers breach With the planned standards. As the Article 90 of the Railway Regulations:

“The railway company is empowered to exclude travelers from their transport vehicles that, with their behavior, alter the order within them or endanger transport security.”

That is, if you bother more from the account they can force you to go down at the next stop, but there is no economic sanction as in France. In addition, in the event that the behavior causes delays or incidents, it is possible that the causes are forced to pay compensation to the other passengers.

There are cases. In 2018, a group of 11 men who celebrated a bachelor party caused a 23 -minute delay In the Madrid-Málaga AVE. According to the company, these users “altered the order increasingly intense, shouting, singing and hitting the train walls, ignoring the indications and calls for attention of Renfe staff.” Under the article mentioned above, the auditor requested the eviction of the group.

Upon arriving in Córdoba, where the train makes a 15 -minute stop, “the defendants took the opportunity to definitively climb their private parties in the train cafeteria, where they were drinking, dancing, singing and shouting at full volume and totally uncontrolled, “says the sentence. Such was the situation that the National Police had to intervene.

Having arrived the train delayed, Renfe had to pay the remaining 216 passengers a compensation worth 7,676 euros in total. The judge considered that the fault was not from Renfe and established a solidarity conviction among the 11 participants of the farewell. In other words, those who had to pay the sanction at the rate of almost 700 euros each were condemned.

Image | Pixabay, Unspash

In Xataka | Renfe confirms a sad reality of trains in Spain: they are impossible to be punctual

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