Kesterite solar panels

The Perovskita is the center of attention of the researchers to achieve higher levels of efficiencybut it presents the challenge of being an unstable and toxic material. However, an Australian study has developed a viable alternative with an element that has begun to exceed its efficiency levels: Kesterite.

Short. Researchers from the University of Nueva Wales del Sur de Sydney have established a new world efficiency record of 13.2% in Kesterite solar cells (CZTS). The process they have used to achieve this has been by hydrogen and the cells were broadband.

Professor Xiaojing Hao and her team at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering They have explained that the kesterite had already been used in previous investigations, but its maximum efficiency had stagnated at 11% during the last six years due to the defects generated during its production.

Why Kesterite? This material is an environment -respectful option, cheap to manufacture and maintains a long -term photovoltaic performance. In addition, it is formed by copper, zinc, tin and sulfur, which are abundant and non -toxic. In this way, the kesterite becomes a more sustainable option in front of another type of solar cells.

How have they done it? To improve Kesterite solar cells, scientists have used hydrogen through thermal treatment. This process, known as passive, consists of the introduction of hydrogen to reduce the defects present in the material during the production of the kesterite. In this way, hydrogen has modulated these defects, minimizing its impact and increasing efficiency in the conversion of sunlight into electricity.

Pervskita vs Kesterita. Despite reaching large laboratory efficiency installments, Like 40% And you can see YOSVSKITA SOLAR PAnels marketed At least in China and also in tandem on silicon. However, this type of cells contains lead, an element that dissolves in water is pollutants.

For its part, Kesterite is a more sustainable and safe alternative, the power is expected to continue increasing and low environmental impact make it an attractive option face the future.

Tandem? In research development they have stated that the use of CZTS can be used in Tandem, a technology that combines two or more types of solar cells. According to Professor Hao, if the CZTS manages to achieve an efficiency of 20%, this material would be the solution of solar energy, because it meets all ideal criteria: abundant, ecological and with good optolectronic properties.

Forecasts The researchers Sydney UNSW expects the efficiency of the CZTS to reach 15% in next year and that its marketing occurs around 2030. Although there is still work to be done to reduce manufacturing defects and improve performance.

Image | Unsw Sydney

Xataka | In 2009, Perovskita’s solar panels wasted 97% of energy. Now they are ready to conquer the industry

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